Who we are


Image Armand Perduijn

Armand Perduijn

CEO & founder of BLS

Engineering, process development, finance and sales.

With his background in mechanical engineering and after being in the LED business quite some time Armand does the majority of lens design and sales.

Image Rob van Hek

Rob van Hek

Development Engineer

Process development, Quality, silicone processing

Rob is capable of delivering technical solutions on short term with limited resources which is very valuable for the small company that BLS actually is and the small lead-times we would like to deliver to our customers. When it comes to quality, there are not a lot of defects missed by his critical eye.

Image Joep Godfried

Joep Godfried

Injection molding specialist

Silicone and thermoplastic processing

With a long history in injection molding at Philips Joep knows how to produce a high quality lens. After all these years the injection molding process/machine has little secret left for him. Beside this he is also a valuable resource when it comes down to maintenance or physical labor at the plant.

Image Monica Klarenbeek

Monica Klarenbeek

Finance, Manufacturing officer

Finance, order processing, office management, HR and operations

Monica is like the duct tape that holds it all together. Besides operations she is responsible for shipment and involved in some important aspects of running BLS like finance and HR.

Image Karola Brzezinska

Karola Brzezinska

Manufacturing officer


Karola’s main job is to make sure our customers get a high quality assembled product.


Our consultants:


Image Wim Timmers

Wim Timmers

Illumination optics expert


Wim has a long history at Philips regarding illumination. Currently he is owner of his own company Trabem. Wim performs the calculations on the optical systems Bright LED solutions is working on..